The Best Radar Detectors
No one likes being caught off guard… particularly by someone with a radar gun!
It’s the beginning of a story that will usually result in some sort of traffic ticket, and a lot of annoyance.
That’s why so many people are in the market for a radar detector, so that they’ll always know when one is around the corner!
Highest Rated Radar Detectors (by Customer Reviews)
- 1Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector
- 2Escort Passport 9500IX Radar Detector
- 3Cobra ESD7570 9-Band Performance Radar/Laser Detector
- 4Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector
- 5Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector
- 6Escort Passport 8500X50 Black Radar Detector
- 7Escort Max 360 Radar Detector
- 8Whistler CR90 High Performance Laser Radar Detector
- 9Escort Solo S3 Cordless Radar Detector
- 10Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector
Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector

For those looking for a reliable radar detector on the cheaper end of the price spectrum, the Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector is a decent choice.
This radar and laser detector boasts the ability to pick up even the fastest of radar guns, making it less likely that you’re going to end up caught in a speeding trap.
If you spend time on both highways and city streets, this detector is also a good choice, because it can differentiate the two, which cuts back on false positives that you’re likely to see in a more urban setting.
If you want to take your detector overseas, this is a good choice, because it can also pick up on KU Band Radar Guns.
However, there have been some downsides of the Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector.Many say that it is cheaply made, and that it doesn’t do what it claims to.
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- Can pick up signals from a wide range of different radar guns.
- Can pick up KU Band Detection, which is used heavily in Europe.
- This detector treats city streets and highways differently, lowering the amount of false positives.
- It’s sweep circuitry runs very quickly, giving you a wider detection range.
- Some people find that it is cheaply made.
- For some, it might work less than it is advertised. For others, it might not work at all.
- The lights can be too dim to see when using the detector during daylight hours.

The Cobra XRS9370 High-Performance Radar/Laser Detector’s best feature has to be its price.
And, if that’s all you’re concerned about, then this might be a good radar detector for you.
However, considering that a lot of those who buy this product report that it doesn’t work properly, there might be a better option for you.
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Escort Passport 9500IX Radar Detector

Sometimes, you simply need the best available, never mind what the price might be.
You need something that is going to work like it says it will, and one that can really prove useful to you.
If that’s what you need, and price isn’t a big concern, the Escort Passport 9500IX Radar Detector is one of the better options that you have.
This radar detector can pick up an entire host of different radars and laser guns, making speed traps and other nasty surprises a thing of the past.
Not only is it a great piece of equipment, but it can also tell you the areas where others have picked up radar guns, keeping you even safer.
The only downside that this radar detector really has is its price. With an average price on Amazon of between $299 and $500, this isn’t a cheap purchase.
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- Can pick up a wide range of different radar and laser guns.
- Lets you see where others have picked up signals from radar guns.
- Warns you of areas where police are likely to be.
- Comes with a prominent red display, for easy visibility no matter how dark or bright.
- Has Variable-Speed Radar Performance.
- Comes equipped with an AutoLearn feature.
- This radar detector is on the expensive side. Starting at $299, and rising to up to $500, on Amazon, this isn’t a cheap choice in radar detector.
- Updates do cost more money.

- The Escort Passport 9500IX Radar Detector is a great choice in radar detection, as long as you’re alright not paying a low price.
- It isn’t cheap, and even the updates cost extra. But those are the only real problems the Escort Passport 9500IX Radar Detector has.
- If you’re alright with that, you can’t make a better choice.
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Cobra ESD7570 9-Band Performance Radar/Laser Detector

- Everyone likes to get a little bit more bang for their buck.
- The same is true for those looking for a way to avoid the laser guns used by law enforcement.
- That’s why, for a cheap but dependable option, the Cobra ESD7570 9-Band Performance Radar/Laser Detector is a very good choice.
- Starting at an average Amazon price of just $54, you’re likely not going to find a decent radar detector for much less.
- Thankfully, the price doesn’t reflect how useful it is: This is a piece of equipment that actually does what it claims to do!
- It can pick up a whole host of different frequencies, making it unlikely that you’re going to be caught off-guard.
- The only real problems with this radar detector is that it will sometimes have false alarms, and it runs better without turning on the “city mode” that it offers.
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- At an average Amazon price of just $54, this is a cheap option that also works.
- Can pick up X, K, Ka, and L bands, so that you get a broader range of protection.
- Will alert you to any road hazards in your path, such as railroad crossings and emergency vehicles.
- When using this product, you can expect that there will be false alarms, particularly from the X and K bands.
- One of the best ways to use this product is without “city mode” turned on. It reduces the amount of false positives, and gives you time to react to your surroundings.

Without a doubt, the Cobra ESD7570 9-Band Performance Radar/Laser Detector is likely to be one of the best budget radar detectors available to you.
It can detect a wide variety of signals and, though false positives can be a problem, they seem to work fairly well, particularly if you avoid “city mode”.
Definitely worth a try!
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Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector

Another wonderful option for those who want a cheap radar detector, but don’t want it to function like a cheap radar detector, is the Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector.
The Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector’s most prominent feature is, without a doubt, its low price.
On Amazon, you can expect to pay an average price of between $30 and $48, making it one of the cheapest products on this list.
But it has the features that you would expect of a much more expensive model.
For one, it offers three different options when scanning: Highway mode, which is the default, as well as two different types of city mode, to cut back on false positives.
You can also set it to quiet mode, where it only makes an initial sound when a signal is detected.
The major downside that most people experience when using the Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector is that you can’t actually turn the volume completely off.
Beyond that, it seems to be a very good, and very cheap, radar detector.
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- At an average Amazon price of between $30 and $48, this is one of the cheapest available on this list.
- Has a highway mode, as well as two different city modes, to make false positives less likely.
- Can be set to only alert you audibly once, then stop.
- Comes with a safety warning system.
- This radar detector can’t be completely silenced, making it a nuisance for those who prefer to spend some time driving in silence.
- Some find that this detector has more false positives than it does responses to actual signals.

Despite its flaws, the Whistler XTR-130 Laser Radar Detector is worth everything that you pay for it.
Though it certainly has its problems, it is a decent radar detector, possibly one of the best in its price bracket.
Even with some people finding that it is a nuisance, it’s a good purchase for those on a budget.
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Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector

While this radar detector is more expensive than some of the others on this list, the Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector more than makes up for it in its performance and ease of use.
For those who worry about getting speeding tickets, you can rest easy with the vast range that this detector has, giving you ample time to spot a police officer using a radar gun.
While there are false positives, you can disable the bands that are most likely to cause it, giving you a more relaxing drive.
For this, you’ll have to do a bit of detective work to figure out which bands the local police and other law enforcement uses, but it’s just a small hiccup in an otherwise great product.
The last real flaw is one that most radar detectors suffer from: It doesn’t do very well with lasers. It will pick them up, but not before you’ve already been clocked on them.
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- Has a wide range, making it easy to pick out radar guns that are far out of your line of sight.
- Can pick up a wide range of different bands.
- Can be silenced with a button on the charger, for easier silencing.
- It suffers from a lot of false alarms. The only real way to stop this is to study the bands used in your area, and turn those off on your detector.
- As with most other radar detectors, this product doesn’t do too well with lasers. It won’t be effective in preventing tickets if law enforcement is using a laser gun.

If you’re willing to do a little bit of investigating, and you don’t mind the false alarms, the Beltronics RX65-Red Professional Series Radar Detector is a great option for those looking for fair (but not cheap) pricing.
It has a wide range, can be easily silenced, and seems to work fairly well.
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Escort Passport 8500X50 Black Radar Detector

For those who are looking for a budget buy when it comes to a radar detector, the Escort Passport 8500X50 Black Radar Detector is decidedly not the right choice.
However, if you’re more concerned with how well it works than how much it costs, then this radar detector might be a better option.
At an average Amazon price of between $255 to $445, this is an expensive gadget.
But, it does come with enough features that some may find the exorbitant price worth it.
For one, it can detect practically every signal that can be used with a radar gun, as well as pick up on laser guns, which are more commonly used by highway patrols.
And, speaking of highways, this radar has the option to switch from highway to city, cutting down on the amount of false positives in the city.
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- Can detect practically all types of radar bands, giving you more coverage.
- Can detect laser guns, as well.
- Has a very wide range, giving you more of a warning should a radar be detected.
- Has two modes, city mode and highway mode, so that you can cut down on false positives.
- The price is very, very high, especially since comparable models of radar gun cost can cost hundreds less than this one.
- Produces quite a few false positives, even with the city mode turned on; you’re likely going to experience more false positives than real ones.

The Escort Passport 8500X50 Black Radar Detector is very expensive, true, but it also offers the widest selection of detectable bands out of any radar detector on this list.
However, that also means that it has quite a few false positives, really inhibiting its usefulness.
While you might still get a lot of use from it, it might make this detector a bad decision.
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Escort Max 360 Radar Detector

If you’re looking for the best, most people expect to pay through the nose for it.
That’s certainly the case with the Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector.
The biggest downside of this detector is definitely the price tag that comes with it.
You can expect to spend anywhere from $520 to $585, and that’s just for the hardware alone; this radar detector also relies heavily on a subscription service, and you will be paying for any updates needed.
But does that mean that the Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector is the best? Not necessarily.
Though it does have a few good perks, such as the ability to tell you in what direction the radar is coming from, it also has downsides.
For one, many people report that the detector simply doesn’t detect.
With as much as this product costs, this could be a major problem.
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- Can identify in which direction that the radar signal comes from.
- With AutoLearn, the detector will learn what common false positives you come across during your normal routes, cutting back on those.
- With an average price of $520 to $585 on Amazon, this is one of the most expensive radar detectors that you have to choose from.
- This detector basically requires you to subscribe to a monthly Escort Live service, which will cost you extra.
- It may not pick up on all radar signals, making it possible that you could still end up with a ticket.

Despite all of the high tech bells and whistles that come with this radar detector, the Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector simply isn’t a very practical choice.
Not only is it expensive, but it requires a monthly subscription fee, and even that doesn’t guarantee it will pick up the next speed trap.
It’s more expensive and less effective than other radar detectors.
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Whistler CR90 High Performance Laser Radar Detector

One of the best mid-range radar detectors out there is definitely the Whistler CR90 High Performance Laser Radar Detector.
This is a good choice in radar detector for anyone, and is particularly good for those who don’t want to pay an arm and a leg, but who want quality in their purchase.
With this radar detector, you’ll be able to pick up X band, K band, and Super Wideband Ka.
It also comes with complete laser protection, which many radar detectors don’t have.
It can detect these at any position around the car, giving you 360 coverage.
The best part of all? At just $149 on average, you’re going to be getting the most for your money that you could reasonably expect.
The only real downsides that come with this product is that there are, indeed, false positives, and there’s no way to keep it permanently silent.
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- Can pick up X band, K band, and Super Wideband Ka.
- Has total laser protection, which most detectors don’t have.
- On Amazon, the average price is just $149; this is low for a product with so much to offer.
- Internal GPS lets you know when you’re reaching a known red-light camera, further cutting down your chances of getting a traffic ticket.
- You are, most likely, going to pick up false positives with this radar detector.
- There are no ways to permanently silent this detector, which some may find more of a nuisance than a help.

There’s no doubt that the Whistler CR90 High Performance Laser Radar Detector is one of the best radar detectors on this list, if not the best.
It has everything that you could reasonably want in a radar detector, all for a price that even the most budget conscious will be able to afford.
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Escort Solo S3 Cordless Radar Detector

Are you looking for a mixture of both form and function?
Then you might consider the Escort Solo S3 Cordless Radar Detector, which is a happy marriage of both concepts.
The function works pretty well: It can pick up a wide variety of different bands, making it good at its job; it presents the source of the detection very clearly for you to see and hear; and it has unique alerts, both audio and visual, for Safety Warning System signals.
The form is what really helps to set it apart from other radar detectors, though.
With this product, there’s no need to worry about the cumbersome cord that most have to use; this runs on batteries!
It’s also a very sleek, stylish design, perfect for luxury cars or just to add to the look of the vehicle.
With an average price of $232, however, you are going to be paying for it.
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- The style of this radar detector is one of the best features; the sleek design is one that most people will enjoy.
- It doesn’t require a plug, running on batteries instead.
- Performs as well as most other comparable radar detectors.
- Though it claims to be a long range radar detector, most customers agree that this isn’t the case. It is, at best, a mid-range detector, and will perform as one.
- The batteries are not long-lasting, and you will likely need to keep some spares on hand, should they die.
- The average price on Amazon for this product is $232, which is rather expensive.

If you’re interested more in style than in advanced capabilities, and you have a loose budget, the Escort Solo S3 Cordless Radar Detector is a good choice.
It has all of the features you’re likely looking for, and it looks high-tech and beautiful in your vehicle.
It isn’t the most powerful, but it is fairly good.
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Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector

For a decent radar detector on a tight budget, you should definitely check out the Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector.
This detector is the perfect way to get the absolute most for a small amount of money, even if you are going to get a few problems with it, as well.
The average price on Amazon for this product is between $45 and $55, making it great for small budgets.
But it doesn’t have the capabilities of a budget radar detector: You can detect X band, K band, and Ka band signals, giving it a very broad range.
It also has multiple ways of telling you this: There’s a numeric display on the detector itself, it comes with a dim or dark mode, and it has Integrated Real Voice Technology.
There are downsides, however: It’s a bit cheap, and it gets false positives as well as false negatives.
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- At an average price on Amazon of just $45 to $55, you’re not going to find better for this price on this list.
- It picks up X band, K band, and Ka band radars, making it harder to be taken off guard.
- Has numerous ways to alert you to a radar gun being detected.
- The detector itself might be cheaply made. People have complained about LEDs failing prematurely, having to have parts of it repaired early on, and the like.
- It has both false positives and false negatives, making it difficult to rely on at times.

The Whistler XTR-335 Real Voice-Alert Radar Detector is a great choice for the budget-conscious buyer.
It has a bit of everything that you need in a radar detector, all for a very low price.
It does have some problems, and it certainly isn’t the best option on this list.
But it is likely the best in its price range.
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Radar Detectors Buying Guide
How many times have you got a speed ticket?
Do you wish, you could prevent it?
Good news – you can!
A radar detector is a simple and easy way to detect police radar gun, so you will know when to slow down.
However, there are a few models and types of radar detectors on the market.
They differ in mounting type, features, price range, etc.
So, keep reading to find out how to pick the best radar detector on the market.
This buying guide will cover everything you need to know about radar detectors, and more.
If you want a quick tip, refer to our list of best radar detectors on the market above.
Let’s start with the radar detector types.
Radar Detectors Types
There are two primary types of radar detectors – laser detectors and radar detectors.
Some models can do both functions.
Radar Detectors
The radar detector will detect police radar guns.
You mount it in your car and adjust the speed when needed.
The drawback is that these models are not able to catch newer technologies police now use, such as laser guns.
Laser Detectors
If you want to be completely safe and sure that your detecting device will catch all signal, buy a laser detector.
Newer laser detectors are electronic devices which can catch radar signals, but also laser waves.
That way, you will never be caught off guard again.
Because these are improved models that utilize the latest technology, the laser detectors come with a higher price tag.
The most expensive units can detect police cameras, red lights, and inform you when the police are handing out tickets.
Basic models cannot do that but are great when it comes to detecting police lasers.
There are many functions of laser detectors.
Let’s go briefly through basic functions, but also see what the fuss about advanced laser detectors features is.
Red Lights and Cameras
If you decide to give more money, you can get a top-notch device that will inform you about police cameras around you.
That way, you can adjust your behavior in traffic and make sure you are abiding by all the rules.
The red light camera usually means extra cost to your radar detecting device, but some of the models come with three years subscription of this feature.
Your radar detector can inform you about speed traps around the way.
Sometimes it is an additional cost, and sometimes it is included in the basic radar detector package, for at least three years.
There are two types of radar detectors as far as the design goes – corded and cordless.
While cordless is more discreet and offers a greater chance that no one will notice your handy little device, corded stay on your dashboard.
You usually power them on the cigarette lighter gadget and keep them on your dashboard.
These must stay put in the socket, or have spare batteries to work.
There are two modes of sensitivity in radar detecting devices – highway and city modes.
It is really useful because laser detectors can sometimes be triggered by an automated door, resulting in a false alarm.
The city mode will adjust the sensitivity to match the needs of a busy environment, such as urban areas.
Therefore, you will get more accurate alarms each time.
Also, detectors can detect signs from emergency vehicles, etc. which can additionally bother you.
Buy a detector with adjustable modes and the one which will show the signal strength.
Therefore, you will be informed of all the relevant changes on the road.
Voice or Images?
There is two way your detector can inform you – by voice or flashing images or light.
Voice is a great way because you don’t have to take your eyes off the road to get the information.
On the other hand, it can wake any person in the car, if someone is sleeping.
Flashing lights is convenient for many people, but some find it too aggressive.
The choice depends on your preference, so get the one which you think you will enjoy more.
The fear that a radar gun will be pointed at you and your detector won’t be able to alert you on time, is real.
By the time the radar gun measures your speed, you will get the alert but it will be late.
However, if you get the device with Instant-On protection, your radar detecting device can detect the gun from the car in front of you and have time to inform you.
So, you can adjust the speed quickly, and avoid speed tickets.
It is a highly useful feature, but it can add more money to the price tag.
However, just think about how much you will be saving from all tickets?
Radar Detector and GPS
A radar detector equipped with GPS technology offers the best from both worlds.
There are several improvements to performance.
Those are memory function – remembering the areas with common speed traps and dense traffic lights, alerting you about your speed even before you approach the speed limit change, customized use.
For example, you can download the database of all police cameras in the area you want, and set your detector to inform you every time.
It can also help your detector to change modes automatically, and switch to city mode when you get off the highway.
Use with Phone
The newest models are compatible with smartphones which simplify the whole process.
You can download the app and set it up to work according to your needs.
If the radar detector is compatible with a smartphone, you can set it up to send alerts to your phone directly.
Therefore, a detecting device can be miniature, and hardy detectable.
Radar Detector Limits
If the car or any vehicle has windshields with metal films, you can experience a drop in the radar detector range and sensitivity.
Also, darker tint on the side windows and rear windshields has the same effect.
So, think twice before you do it.
Finding the right radar detector can be difficult.
You have to balance the budget that you have in mind with the qualities that you’re looking for in a piece of equipment.
Whatever the case, there’s a detector out there that’s right for you.
And then, you won’t have to worry about being taken by surprise the next time there’s a speed trap.
What's your take on Radar Detectors? You think they're just a luxury or a must-have item? Don't hesitate to share your comment below with your opinion!